10 Best Shoefie Props (to get more likes)

Shoefie Props Flowers Roses

Best Props for Shoefies

Now that you're versed on the different ways to take a shoefie, the next step is thinking about shoefie props. Because, depending on the shoes you're wearing, sometimes a plain ‘ol shoefie requires a little help in the “like” department! Props, when used well, can add a ton of visual oomph to your shoe-themed social media pictures. Especially on Instagram, with its purely visual interface & exorbitant amount of discerning users.

Of course, one could argue that your best shoefie prop should be your shoes. And of course, the more intricate, strappy & colorful they are, the more popular they will likely be. Yes, I know this for a fact 😉 But with the steadily increasing social media audience & current popularity  of the shoefie hashtag (currently used in 273,991 pics), it's time to stand out from the crowd & differentiate yourself with these “like” inducing items.

10 Best Shoefie Props

1. Floors

Shoefie props tiles - ihavethisthingwithfloors

Yep, floors; the things we all stand on & the standard background for most shoefies. Floors. Tiled floors. You name it. So why not choose an interesting one?! There's a reason #ihavethisthingwithfloors is one of the most ubiquitous hashtags, which, if shot right, may get your featured on the absolutely stunning display of shoes on floors of Instagram's widely popular account by the same name. My image, above, got me a place in their amazing feed with a whopping 480K+ followers. Not bad for exposure!

Here are some general floor visuals to seek out:

  • Interesting tile patterns
  • Fun brick layout
  • Ground graffiti or sidewalk art
  • Funky carpet: furry and/or with pattern

All of these above can do wonders to enhance your shoefie pics & increase likes. And once you've “sourced” your floor, it's the simplest & easiest shoefie prop to make your shoeselfies pop. See what I did there!?  Oh, the fun I can have with all aspects of this shoe blog 😉

2. Flowers

Shoefie Props Flowers Roses

Ah, the power of the flower is a serious one when it comes to shoefies! The amount more likes you'll get with a pretty flower is rather astounding! There's a reason I started the Instagram account @shoeandflowers, which you can use for own your shoefie flower pop inspiration! But as with shoes, not all flowers are created equal, my friends. Some tips, below:

  • Use fresh flowers. No, wilted & dull ones won't work. Unless nature morte is your thing
  • Don't underestimate people of all ages' love for pink!
  • White flowers sometimes appear too bright & nuances may not get captured
  • Snap your fave shoes at your local flower market to save yourself some serious flower $$$

The best flowers to use in your shoefie shot are, but not limited to:

  • Roses: you just can't go wrong with the world's most beloved flower!
  • Peonies: especially when they're in season. Just be sure you can afford them. These don't come cheap!
  • Hydrageas: these flowers are essentially living pom poms, so what's not to love?
  • Dahlias: another poof-like flower with a geometrical/origami element which photographs well
  • You can't go wrong with bouquets of any type of fresh flower or flower mix

3. Babies & Puppies

Shoefie Props Baby Feet

Oh yes, basic market research (somewhere!) shows that people Loooove babies, puppies, kittens & the like. So why not add some to your shoefies? Yes, I get it, a little difficult to include baby anything if you don't have one conveniently lying around. But that's what friends & families are for, right?! Yep, it's definitely worth borrowing one (or use your babysitting time to take Instagram-worthy pics ha!). I suggest a handful of treats to convince either puppies or toddlers to pose as needed.

And no, whole baby/baby animal not required. Little paws, hands or feet creeping into the picture (the chubbier or fluffy the cuter!) are GOLDEN. I got my highest liked IG post to date with the above pic. Yes, these incredible studded Isa Tapia sandals possibly had something to do with it too 😉

4. Food

Shoefie Props Ice Cream Cone

The sweeter, the tastier, the more calorie-laden the food, the better! Holding the dessert or drink du jour will add a whack-load of likes to your shoefie pics. Extra points for anything with whipped cream, sprinkles or icing. Vanilla works better than chocolate (apparently too much brown food isn't à la mode 😉 ). Some no-brainer, everyone-will-love-it food props to include in your shoefie:

    • Donuts: vanilla with pink frosting & sprinkles = winning ticket. Make it a whole box & your post is guaranteed a ton of likes!
    • Cupcakes: yes, people still love them, even though they might not be as hot as they once were
    • Ice cream: a cone (especially the artisanal waffle type will score you big likes!)
    • Pancakes: yep, the whipped cream/sprinkles phenomenon works wonders here too
    • Fruit: the plumper & juicy the better. Also a good choice for dieters

Beware of placing your food too close to your shoes. Like on the ground. Then everyone will know you were never planning to eat it! And if  you are…well, that's just a tad disgusting.

5. Fashion

Shoefie props outfit fashion

Never underestimate what great fashion can do for your shoefie! What do I mean here? Taking a higher #fromwhereistand photograph of yourself, like I did above, including more than your shoes. This shows people how you've styled your shoes. People apparently like that. Include as many patterns & textures as you see fit!

6. Accessories

People who love shoefies love two things for sure: shoes & fashion accessories. So why not give them at bit of both? Here are some of my favorite accessories to use as shoefie props:

– Purses

Shoefie Props Handbag Purse

Purses & handbags that visually enhance your shoes are a solid winner, like my IG pic above. You can go matchy-matchy or contrasting for maximum effect.

– Sunglasses

Shoefie Props Sunglasses

– Jewelry

Shoefie Props Jewelry

7. Shoes

Shoefie Props Shoes

Yes, shoes! And no, I don't consider them “just” another accessory. They're in a league of their own! And I'm not just talking about the shoes you're wearing in your shoefie, but shoes in addition to them. I mean, if you can't decided which shoe to wear in a shoefie, you can always ask your other darlings to join you in on the fun to support the shoe of the moment!

8. Coffee


Ah, because coffee, in any & all of its forms, iced or scalding, matcha or not, is VERY fashionable with the fashion & blogger crowd. How do I know? Just check out the über popular @coffeenclothes Instagram account to get a taste of how “in” this drink continues to be! And no, tea just isn't going to work as well. Which is unfortunate for people like me who drink tea vs. coffee. Hence, the lack of my own image in this section.

However, this again is what friends are for! Just borrow their $10 latte, snap a pic & hand it back over. Yes, it can be that easy 😉 Extra likes for the “leaf” motif on the foam & shiny ice cubes!

Sorry, you didn't think fashion bloggers' IG feeds were completely spur-of-the-moment “realistic” did you?

9. Friends

Shoefie Props Friends Shoes

Because when you're not the only one wearing great shoes, why not show off you & your friends' amazing footwear with a group pic? Just make sure your outfits (if they're being shown off) complement each other. You don't need any dowdy friends dragging you down, now do you?!

10. Prop Mixing

Shoefie Props Babies cherries

Ok, so technically not a 10th prop, but prop mixing can create the ultimate shoefie. It's your way of creating the most original, personal shoefie that you possibly can. Include props on or off this shoefie prop guide, just make sure you don't throw in too too many. You still want a clear, understandable image. Needless to say, whatever props you use should make sense in the photograph's context.

Shoefie props flowers book

So there you have it: the 10 best shoefie props to use to get yourself more likes. Because let's face it, Instagram users are continuously becoming more difficult to please, don't you think? Just keep in mind to keep any prop or prop mix you decide to use, be seasonally & audience appropriate. And I really can't stress enough that which is the power of PINK.

Be sure to follow @shoetease on Instagram for a ton more shoefies!

What objects, products or humans do you like to use or see in shoefies?

xo Cristina

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