Tight Shoes? How to Stretch Shoes and Make Shoes Bigger

There are many reasons why you'd want to make too small shoes bigger. Maybe you've just bought a new pair of shoes; they haven't been worn in yet, so they're a little tight.

No matter the reasons you're here today for a how to stretch shoes lesson, it's always better not run the risk of blisters, discomfort or stability issues!

Thankfully, most shoes can easily be stretched out to achieve some toe-wiggling room! And there are a few cheap & cheerful shoe repair hacks that you can easily do at home.

Because our feet swell during throughout the day, due to walking and standing, our feet in the evening are at their largest size.

Wear Your Shoes in the Evening


You can stretch your shoes with alcohol at home, so easily! I've used this trick a few times myself and it works miracles.

How to Stretch Shoes with Alcohol


As the water freezes & expands, it will stretch your shoes by pushing against them slow and steady.

Stretch Shoes in the Freezer


If you don't have the time or no longer feel like figuring sorting out how to make shoes bigger at home, your neighborhood cobbler will happily do it for you.

Use a Professional Cobbler


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