How to Clean Suede Shoes and Heels

Genuine suede is one of the most delicate shoe materials out there & staining them is always an unfortunate affair, because they don't simply wipe clean like a good ‘ol leather boot.

There are great store-bought options & at home DIY solutions, so simply pick your stain & let me show you how to get those suede shoes & boots outfit-ready again!

– Suede shoe protector – Suede shoe brush – Eraser bar – DIY home care options

Your Suede Cleaning Kit – The Must Haves


Use a suede shoe brush/spray bottle to apply a small amount of water starting with the outer edges of the affected area.

Removing Water Stains from Suede: Fight Water with Water!


Soak a cloth in cool water & wring out. Blot the stain with the cloth.

Removing Red Wine


How to clean suede shoes when you don't know what the stain's actually from? A little trial & error will help in this case. Use your suede brush & follow with suede eraser.

Removing Mystery Stains


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