How to Break in High Heels

Blisters and pain that heels, especially those that new high heels can cause, is no laughing matter. This is why today I’d like you to learn how to break in heels and avoid all of that!

I mean, walking in high heels can be challenging enough, without adding too tight heels to the mix!

There are various methods & tips for breaking in high heel shoes that I will get into right here, on! Some might be surprising, like using a potato (not joking!) to blowdry your shoes!

Wear Your Heels at Home

One way is to wear them for short periods of time around the house each day until they start to feel better on your feet.


Wear Socks with Heels

The extra padding added by the socks will push at the shoes to break in the heels faster. Double up your socks to further break in your heels.


The best way to use this product is by spraying it inside the shoe area which requires it most and wearing them.

Use Shoe Stretching Spray


You can do this by twisting the middle of the outsole back and forth, like you would when walking. This will make the material more flexible and easier to walk in.

Bend Your Heels to Break Them In


Turn on the blowdryer on medium or hot settings and point it at the section of the high heels you’d like to loosen up.

Blow Dry Your Heels


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