Got Tight Boots? Here’s How to Stretch Leather Boots!

No one wants a pair of too-tight boots (or any kind of tight shoes, for that matter!). Tight boots are uncomfortable to wear and can give you terrible blisters.

The last thing I want is for your beautiful boots to end up at the back of your closet – a footwear travesty!

So keep reading if you want to find out how to stretch boots, especially how to stretch leather boots.

It can stretch out boots pretty fast if the leather is soft enough and your boots don't require too much stretching.

Wear Thick Socks 


Boot stretchers are a top choice and one of the best ways for stretching out boots in a precise and even manner.

Use a Boot Stretcher


All you need is equal parts rubbing alcohol & water, in a clean spray bottle and voilà! Such an easy way to stretch tight boots.

Stretch Boots with Rubbing Alcohol


Looking how to stretch boots fast? Then if you're feeling extra adventurous, grab a blow dryer!



This is a great way on how to stretch boots in the foot area without needing to wear them for hours.

Freeze Your Boots


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